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Real Photogravure Letter Card Of Gloucester, 1938

I’m always on the look out for old things related to photography so it was with extreme joy that I found a miniature treasure trove of items in a number of charity shops yesterday. In addition to some old naval photos and postcards and someone’s photo album featuring pictures from the 1940s in South Africa (I’ll scan and upload those at some point in the future) I also found a photogravure letter card dated September 1938.

I’ve taken some photos of the letter card and attempted to transcribe it below, albeit with limited success. Any assistance at working out the words I’ve missed will be gratefully received.


The front cover of the photogravure letter card complete with its one and a half pence stamp. “With signature only and flap tucked in – Printed paper rate. If message written, letter postage is chargeable, in which case gum down flap.” The letter card was sent to Mr and Mrs Arthur Wood, Mere View, Walton on the Hill, Tadworth, Surrey.

The letter card consists of five images of Gloucester: Gloucester Cathedral from the southeast; the nave, Gloucester Cathedral; the New Inn Hotel; the Cross; Westgate Street.







And now to the letter itself:


52 […] Road, Gloucester, 21.9.38

Dear Mr & Mrs Wood,

I am wondering how you all are at Tadworth by this time. I trust that you are all well. What very serious and disturbing times we are living in. I hope and pray please God that it will all be settled without war. Without doubt these are the perilous times spoken of in the Bible. I am thinking of you all in the prayer meetings at this busy[?] time 9 o’clock


Wednesday evening[?]. I miss […] to chapel very much since I have come to Gloucester but the first fortnight when I was in Newcastle I did well. My friends there took me to chapel each week night & twice on Sundays & then when Muriel and I got home to Wembley her daddy took me to Mr Bartlett’s twice, & the Second Sun he took me to Ponsard Road to Mr […] Chapel. We had him to tea with us at Wembley & we all drove back together to the early[?] service[?]. I like his preaching very much. His wife was away at the Sea & he was going to her on the Monday.


Mr Bartlett is expected to preach a […] […] in […] so I am hoping to stay there for the weekend this[?] 2 weeks yesterday. Tuesday I heard Mr Hurst the editor of “Way Marks” at […]; he took The Lords Prayer for his subject. I never enjoyed a service more. I feel I shall never forget it. Mr Tash was also very good in Newcastle. Very like Mr Hansford[?] we heard at Redhill. I think I told you we have no S. Baptist chapel in Gloucester so up till now I have been going to church with my son & his wife & Dorothy. I try not to say anything but Oh Dear


There is not a single crumb to be got, just morality is preached generally, & sometimes you don’t know what to call it. The hymns I enjoy, & a good many of the prayers are good & it […] a more social feeling at home, otherwise I have a real good home with every comfort & consideration so I am very happy as regards that.
So […] Home is occupied at last.
And Mr Harrod has […] right away.


He said he has […] house at Seaford for the Winter.
I should like my August & Sep […] & the S. Baptist Mission Herald sent on to this address. I am enclosing the stamps for postage. A friend of mine passes me on Way Marks & The Christians Pathway so I am doing the same with mine.

Now good bye & may God bless you both
With Christian love and every […] wish […]
Yours […] sincerely
A […]

Author: Mark

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